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EMIR 3.0 - active account
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This Focus Day aims to provide insights into the draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) on the active accounts mandate under EMIR 3.0, recently published by the EU market authority ESMA. Additionally, we examine the essential steps for account activation at Eurex Clearing.
After the official publication of the final legislative text on 4 December 2024 and entry into force 20 days later on 24 December 2024, the active account requirement will automatically come into effect 6 months later, i.e., on 24 June 2025. EU market participants who are subject to the EMIR clearing obligation and exceed the clearing thresholds for OTC interest rate derivatives (IRD) in euro and zloty, as well as short-term interest rate (STIR) derivatives in euro, must have an "active" account with a CCP based in the EU.
The first part of our Focus Day examines ESMA's proposed specifications for the quantitative and qualitative requirements under the "active account" regime and the timeline for implementation.
The second part updates participants on the continued growth in Eurex's OTC IRD and STIR liquidity pools and discusses key onboarding considerations.
Our experts share their views in insightful sessions. We also explain how to turn regulatory requirements into opportunities to optimize margin and capital efficiencies across Euro Yield Curve products.
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