
Eurex/KRX Link

Eurex/KRX Link

Eurex Exchange has partnered with the Korea Exchange (KRX) to list KOSPI and USD/KRW derivations at Eurex. These products are available during the core European and North American trading hours. Live since August 2010, the Eurex/KRX Link provides Eurex Exchange members direct access to KOSPI 200 Options, the most heavily traded options contract in the world. Subsequently, further contracts were also added to the link – Mini-KOSPI Futures, KOSPI 200 Futures and USD/KRW Futures. The Eurex/KRX Products have further helped to increase the international distribution and attractiveness of the underlying KRX contracts. 

The Eurex/KRX Products are futures contracts that expire daily into the corresponding Eurex/KRX product position to be established at KRX prior to the T+1 KRX market opening.

Product Readiness

Find further information on the Eurex USD/KRW Futures on the Product Readiness Support page.