Initiatives & Releases

C7 SCS Releases

C7 SCS Release 4.0

With the C7 SCS Release 4.0, Eurex Clearing will be introducing the following initiatives:

  • The possibility for Eurex Repo Trading Participants to provide a CBF (Clearstream Banking Frankfurt AG) account for settlement of Special Repo and GC Repo transactions in bonds with prefixes BE (Belgian), EU (Eurobonds), NL (Dutch) and XS (Eurobonds) that are T2S eligible. 
  • A new daily report “GC Pooling Collateral Allocation Report” (CE88X) containing allocated collateral information for open exposure at Clearing Member, Currency, GCP Basket ISIN and Account level will be introduced.

Simulation start: 30 September 2024
Production start: 18 November 2024

C7 SCS Release 1.2 - Timeline-01

System Documentation


Readiness Statement

We kindly ask all Clearing Members to submit the Readiness Statement for C7 SCS Release 4.0 by Tuesday, 12 November 2024 latest. 

For your convenience an online submission process has been published. The online Readiness Statement is here available: Readiness Statement. Please enter your dedicated Eurex PIN in the online questionnaire. The PIN is available for the Central Coordinator in the Member Section under the following path: My Profile > PIN.

Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item

Additional place of settlement for Special Repo and GC Repo transactions 

Possibility to use CBF account for settlement of Special Repo and GC Repo transactions in bonds with prefixes BE (Belgian), EU (Eurobonds), NL (Dutch) and XS (Eurobonds) that are T2S eligible.

Additional CBF settlement account can be provided for Special Repo and GC Repo business.

New GC Pooling Collateral Allocation Report (CE88X)

The report information about allocated single collaterals to each open exposure at Clearing Member, Currency, GCP Basket ISIN, Account level, further the report is listing the GC Pooling trades that contribute to the open exposure. Only XML version is provided. 

This report will be made per default available to all GC Pooling Members as Clearing Member and Settlement Institute version. The Trading Member version is optional and requires an active subscription request via Clearing Data.

Structure change to the Repo Intraday Settled Trade Report (CI87X), Repo Trade Confirmation Report(TC80X) and Repo Contracts Report(TC85X)

For Eurex Repo business reporting, a new optional field with information about fund will be added resulting in change of report structure in Repo Intraday Settled Trade Report, Repo Trade Confirmation Report and Repo Contracts Report. The fund related information is only relevant for Repo Asset Manager model and more details for the same will be published with business go-live of the Repo Asset Manager model.

Eurex Repo customers must adapt their internal processing to be able to technically digest the updated report structure. The internal processing of CI87X, TC80X and TC85X have to be verified.

Additional information resulting from Pair-Off request in reports CD85X and CE87X

New values will be introduced indicating data because of Pair-Off service.

Customers will have to analyze the changes to be able to process the new values. Please verify the internal processing of CD85X and CE87X.

Eurex Repo

Eurex Repo is the leading European marketplace for international secured funding and financing. It offers an integrated market for electronic trading, clearing, collateral management and settlement of repo transactions. Its GC Pooling is the European benchmark for standardized secured funding with central clearing.


Eurex Group’s central reporting solution. It allows a greater flexibility and meets the needs of today’s high frequency and algorithmic trading.

Are you looking for information on a previous initiative? We have stored information about our previous initiatives in our Archive for you! 


Eurex Frankfurt AG
Customer Technical Support / Technical Helpdesk

Service times from Monday 01:00 – Friday 22:00 CET
(no service on Saturday and Sunday)

Please contact your Technical Account Manager via your personal VIP number which can be found in the Member Section.

T +49-69-211-VIP / +49-69-211-1 08 88 (all)

Eurex Frankfurt AG
Key Account Management

Service times from 09:00 - 18:00 CET