Initiatives & Releases

Mandatory Interface Encryption

As a trading venue operator, Eurex needs to adhere to requirements regarding encryption of data during transfer via networks on public ground and the encryption of credentials during transfer via networks on non-public ground (Critical Infrastructure KRITIS) regulation.

Eurex has implemented mandatory changes regarding data transmission via the T7 trading interfaces. These changes have been made to improve the security of information transmitted via communication networks to further reduce the risk of unauthorized interception, manipulation, or misuse. 

To support Trading Participants with the implementation of their security requirements, Eurex offers additional connectivity options to implement Transport Layer Security (TLS) for sensitive data in critical business areas.

The following steps will be carried out during 2023:

Session Source Location

Session type

Encryption type

Mandatory change in Simulation

Mandatory change in Production

In Equinix FR2 co-lo facility


Payload or Password



In Equinix FR2 co-lo facility





In Equinix FR2 co-lo facility



Not supported

Not supported









Not applicable

Not applicable



Not applicable

Not applicable


Supporting Documents


Migration Status

Trading Members are kindly asked to provide their Mandatory Interface Encryption migration status via online questionnaire. Please provide us with your feedback until latest 27 February 2023.

We kindly ask you to enter your dedicated Eurex PIN (the PIN is for security reasons) in the online questionnaire. The PIN for your company has been sent to your Central Coordinator.

Readiness Videos

Participants Requirements



Action Item

Mandatory implementation of FIX LF TLS

Support for FIX LF connectivity option without TLS will cease in Production on 8 May 2023 (only FIX LF TLS connectivity possible).

Existing application must be adapted at the earliest point in time.

Mandatory of ETI TLS

Support for connectivity option without TLS for Production will cease on 23 October 2023 (only ETI TLS possible). 

Existing application must be adapted at the earliest point in time.

Mandatory password encryption for ETI HF 

Password encryption will become mandatory on 11 December for Trading participants using ETI HF sessions.

Application must be adapted at the earliest possible point in time. 

Replacement of ETI HF with ETI LF sessions (only for Prod)

Use of Prod ETI HF outside of Eurex´ Equinix FR2 will cease on 23 October (ordering of Prod HF session for non-Equinix installations ends on 21 August 2023).

Trading participants must replace ETI HF with ETI LF or transfer session to installations within Eurex Equinix FR2.

T7 Release 10.1

More information about the FIX LF TLS connectivity option can be found in our Release system documentation, i.e. Network Access Guide .

T7 Release 11.0

More information about the ETI TLS connectivity option can be found in our Release system documentation, i.e. Network Access Guide .

Eurex Initiatives Lifecycle

From the announcement till the rollout, all phases of the Eurex initiatives outlined on one page! Get an overview here and find other useful resources.

Are you looking for information on a previous initiative? We have stored information about our previous initiatives in our Archive for you!



Eurex Frankfurt AG
Customer Technical Support / Technical Helpdesk

Service times from Monday 01:00 – Friday 22:00 CET
(no service on Saturday and Sunday)

Please contact your Technical Account Manager via your personal VIP number which can be found in the Member Section.

T +49-69-211-VIP / +49-69-211-1 08 88 (all)



Market Status


The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

An instant update of the Market Status requires an enabled up-to date Java™ version within the browser.