
Market statistics (online)

Data is for Sep 26, 2024   Last update: Sep 27, 2024 12:00:00 AM

Product group Call option Put option Call+Put option Futures Total
> Interest Rates Traded contracts 88,764 32,598 121,362 3,902,163 4,023,525
Open interest (unadjusted) 543,231 269,715 812,946 7,194,350 8,007,296
Fixed income derivatives Traded contracts 88,764 32,598 121,362 3,744,022 3,865,384
Open interest (unadjusted) 543,223 269,695 812,918 6,831,630 7,644,548
Money market index derivatives Traded contracts 0 0 0 154,869 154,869
Open interest (unadjusted) 8 20 28 338,857 338,885
Credit Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 3,272 3,272
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 23,863 23,863
> Equity Traded contracts 399,436 456,098 855,534 294,685 1,150,219
Open interest (unadjusted) 18,187,458 36,822,025 55,009,483 4,994,230 60,003,713
Equity Options Traded contracts 399,436 456,098 855,534 0 855,534
Open interest (unadjusted) 18,187,458 36,822,025 55,009,483 0 55,009,483
Single Stock Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 286,203 286,203
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 4,398,190 4,398,190
Single Stock Tracking Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
Equity Total Return Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 8,482 8,482
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 596,040 596,040
> Equity Index Traded contracts 846,062 1,174,125 2,020,187 1,659,395 3,679,582
Open interest (unadjusted) 15,288,444 29,521,751 44,810,195 9,604,904 54,415,099
DAX® Traded contracts 34,995 32,889 67,884 119,877 187,761
Open interest (unadjusted) 359,124 631,282 990,406 81,998 1,072,404
SIX Swiss Exchange Indexes Traded contracts 2,564 5,170 7,734 21,904 29,638
Open interest (unadjusted) 205,718 287,395 493,113 174,860 667,973
OMX-Helsinki 25 Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 1,794 1,794
Blue Chip Traded contracts 678,223 996,180 1,674,403 1,046,162 2,720,565
Open interest (unadjusted) 10,449,063 20,989,779 31,438,842 2,264,987 33,703,829
Broadbased/Size Indexes Traded contracts 119 10,843 10,962 87,983 98,945
Open interest (unadjusted) 171,844 647,163 819,007 500,315 1,319,322
STOXX® Select Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 3,971 3,971
Open interest (unadjusted) 557,650 563,310 1,120,960 123,793 1,244,753
STOXX® ESG Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 1,642 1,642
Open interest (unadjusted) 36,026 24,109 60,135 93,289 153,424
EURO STOXX® Sector Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 178,254 178,254
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 1,049,257 1,049,257
EURO STOXX® Sector Index Options Traded contracts 46,566 48,455 95,021 0 95,021
Open interest (unadjusted) 3,235,198 5,629,239 8,864,437 0 8,864,437
STOXX® Sector Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
STOXX® Europe 600 Sector Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 62,307 62,307
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 386,326 386,326
STOXX® Europe 600 Sector Index Options Traded contracts 6,656 12,035 18,691 0 18,691
Open interest (unadjusted) 124,256 281,426 405,682 0 405,682
STOXX® Factor Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
STOXX® Thematic Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
Index TRF Traded contracts 0 0 0 56,400 56,400
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 3,130,621 3,130,621
MSCI Country Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 13,288 13,288
Open interest (unadjusted) 1,363 940 2,303 542,570 544,873
MSCI Regional Indexes Traded contracts 720 3,507 4,227 25,120 29,347
Open interest (unadjusted) 148,202 467,018 615,220 1,133,877 1,749,097
MSCI Sector Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 9,973 9,973
MSCI Factor Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 1,092 1,092
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 58,810 58,810
MSCI ESG Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 164 164
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 42,748 42,748
Market-on-Close Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 1,528 1,528
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
FTSE 100 Index Traded contracts 0 0 0 1,601 1,601
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 3,479 3,479
ATX® Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 90 90 6,158 6,248
CECE® Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 49 49
KOSPI Traded contracts 76,219 65,046 141,265 38,102 179,367
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
> Dividends Traded contracts 6,051 15,250 21,301 72,790 94,091
Open interest (unadjusted) 1,931,727 1,295,115 3,226,842 4,773,017 7,999,859
Single Stock Dividend Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 26,610 26,610
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 3,697,026 3,697,026
Equity Index Dividend Derivatives Traded contracts 6,051 15,250 21,301 46,180 67,481
Open interest (unadjusted) 1,931,727 1,295,115 3,226,842 1,075,991 4,302,833
> FX Traded contracts 0 0 0 20,898 20,898
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 76,440 76,440
> Volatility Traded contracts 6,510 2,010 8,520 36,572 45,092
Open interest (unadjusted) 178,678 285,611 464,289 115,794 580,083
VSTOXX® Traded contracts 6,510 2,010 8,520 36,572 45,092
Open interest (unadjusted) 178,678 285,611 464,289 115,794 580,083
Variance Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
> ETF & ETC Traded contracts 50,045 9,268 59,313 0 59,313
Open interest (unadjusted) 211,271 978,430 1,189,701 0 1,189,701
Equity index ETF derivatives Traded contracts 45 9,268 9,313 0 9,313
Open interest (unadjusted) 17,168 51,464 68,632 0 68,632
Fixed income ETF derivatives Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 625 17,478 18,103 0 18,103
Exchange traded commodities derivatives Traded contracts 50,000 0 50,000 0 50,000
Open interest (unadjusted) 193,478 909,488 1,102,966 0 1,102,966
> Cryptocurrency Traded contracts 0 0 0 185 185
Open interest (unadjusted) 10 0 10 5 15
Bitcoin / Ethereum Derivatives Traded contracts 0 0 0 185 185
Open interest (unadjusted) 10 0 10 5 15
> Commodity Traded contracts 0 0 0 71 71
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 1,814 1,814
Bloomberg Traded contracts 0 0 0 71 71
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 1,814 1,814
Sum of all products Traded contracts 1,396,868 1,689,349 3,086,217 5,986,759 9,072,976
Open interest (unadjusted) 35,747,945 68,285,426 104,033,371 25,155,773 129,189,144

Market Status


The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

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